Your Tongue Is Stuck To A Frozen Pole: Now What
Well, it’s December 1, 2019 and it’s -20 degrees celsius which is -4 degrees Fahrenheit for those keeping track. As a matter of fact, it’s been bone chilling cold in our area of the world for quite awhile. How cold you ask? So cold that your nostrils stick together while taking a deep breath and you begin to turn blue—not from the cold, but because you panic and forget you can breath through your mouth. So cold that you keep moving for fear your joints will freeze up and you’ll be frozen in place much like the tin man until being rescued by Dorothy. So cold that when you press your tongue against a cold pole you’re not going anywhere anytime soon so grab your phone and read this article while you’re waiting for additional help.

Winter has a tendency to repeatedly punch us in the face until all we want to do is stay in bed under a pile of blankets and wait it out. Let’s face it, we all get our tongue stuck to a pole at different points in our life. This is not unique to winter. We’re humans. We feel burned out. We feel hopeless. We feel sad. We feel stuck. We feel. We’re humans.
I find that most of the time the only way to get past this is to get moving. I need to do something that I don’t want to do. I need to do something to keep me off social media. I need to do something to keep me from watching TV and man do I love watching TV. I need to do something creative even if the outcome is shit. I need to do something, anything other than standing here with my tongue stuck to a pole.