Be A Good Human

Over the past two+ years, since moving to Montréal, I have been in a weird place of reflection and observation. Mainly because I don't know anyone nor do I feel the need to become friends with others at this time. Don’t get me wrong, having someone to hang out with would be nice, but I have not made it a priority. You could say I’m going through a detox period after years spent in corporate America.

Over the past 2+ years, the thing that has repeatedly stuck out and continues to stick out as I observe the world, is the sense of entitlement exhibited by some people. For some people it's all about them. I have had people nudge me aside and step in front of me at bakeries as if I didn’t exist. I have had people who refuse to move over on the sidewalk so I can pass, forcing me to walk into the street to continue on my way. I have almost been hit by cars while walking because pedestrians are a nuisance to some. I have had to dodge a tidal wave of water being hurled at me as a passing car hits a giant puddle of water I happen to be walking past. I have people honk their car horn at me or flash their head lights because I wasn’t driving fast enough, only to pull up next to them at the following street light. I have had people look at me while holding the door open for them like It was my job to do so without saying a word. And the list goes on.


I have told my wife several times over the past couple years that human self-entitlement will be the downfall of the human race. Now that's a bit dramatic and I believe there is more good than bad in the world. But the actions of a few can have great impact on others. I see it and feel it daily.

Do I get lonely? Yes. Do I miss spending time with family and friends? Yes. Do I miss playing music and creating art with friends? Yes. Do I get tired of talking to the voices in my head. Hmm, I’ll get back to you on that one. The thing is, all the mentioned are temporary and spending time with yourself builds character. It makes you enjoy the time you do get to spend with others. You begin to appreciate the smile you receive when doing something as simple as holding a door open for others.

It’s big world with a lot of people. Be a good human. It’s easier than you may think.

John Kochmanski