The Reset Button Has Been Hit

Let me start with a story. Something that happened to me this past Friday morning.

I was awoken by the sound of rain and wind. It was about 6:30 or 7 A.M.. Not sure, because I have not been tracking time. Or days for that matter. I started my normal routine. Get up, go to the bathroom, remove fuzz from belly button, make coffee, open shades and begin to look for the good happening in the world.

As I was clicking around on YouTube, I stumbled on the video below from Madison Cunningham, an artist I had never heard before. The rain continues to fall as I hit the play button. After a brief intro she begins to sing and I am floored. Her version of "Hands on the Wheel" by Willie Nelson seems to be exactly what I needed to hear at that time. I listened. Then listened again.

When the song ended something caught my eye out the window. While the rain kept falling I walked to the window. Across the street, two children were twirling in place on the landing to their building. In the rain. They would stop briefly, look at each other and then begin again. Hands out, face pointed toward the sky. In the rain. A tear began making its way down my face. I watched until they finished. I felt somewhat at peace, but filled with emotion. Emotion I could no longer contain.

It's strange times out there, friends. As scary as it has turned, I'm of the mind that in some way it was heaven sent. Gifted time to slow down, grow closer ...

During this period of uncertainty and disruption, I can’t help but feel all of our lives have been reset. Think back a year ago or even a month ago. We were running from place to place trying to keep pace with a world moving faster and faster. Our connection to the people who surround us took a back seat to performing our best for our boss or clients. Making sure our kids get to all their extracurricular activities took priority over spending time one on one with them. Screens replaced faces. And now.

Now we are reconnecting albeit in an unfamiliar way. We can’t physically be together, but we are connecting. What we took for granted not too long ago we can no longer have. The reset button has been hit and when we are done rebooting I can only believe we will be better people.

Stay safe. Stay home. Stay human.

John Kochmanski