Our House, Or What's Left Of It
If you’re wondering how many times you can say “Oh Shit” or “What the Fuck” during a house renovation, let me tell you, it’s a lot.
We are now into week 4 or 5 of our house renovation and the more layers we peal back the more interesting things we find. For example, the hole in the ceiling caused by a roof leak. Or the hole in the wall that was hidden behind the siding. A hole which explains where the chipmunk I kept seeing last summer kept entering to build a nest in the wall. Me and that chipmunk tolerated each other, but both of us were secretly trying to get rid of the other
With the foundation issues repaired and the house level, I feel we are starting to round the first corner on this journey. Nothing we’ve found so far has surprised us. We sort of expected there would be problems once we started taking the place apart.
Next we put in new beams, windows, doors and new roof. Once we get past that part, the rest will hopefully be a bit less “Oh Shit" and more like “That’s the Shit.”