But We Don't Want To Make Anymore Decisions
When renovating a home or building a new one, the amount of decisions you have to make is mind boggling. Your brain starts to turn to mush. You wake up in the middle of the night questioning the decisions you’ve made while designing the house. Should I have put the main door somewhere else? What do you mean we have to move the steps to the basement? Why is there a post where the shower faucet is going to go? You break out in a cold sweat when the contractor asks a question and needs the answer by yesterday.

Since my last blog post we’ve rounded the corner. The last of the existing walls was torn out and rebuilt. The structure for the new roof went on, although it’s higher than we wanted, but the decision had to be made. The windows went in. We were delivered the wrong front door, so now we need to wait for a new one. The sliders will be coming soon. The next few weeks are reserved for plumbing and electrical. Lots of decisions to be made during this time. Where do all the switches and outlets go. What controls what. Where exactly are the toilets going to be located. What about the sink and shower heads. And so on, and so on.
The interior images above show where the kitchen will go and pantry, the dining room looking into mudroom, the hallway to second bedroom and bath, the view out master bedroom window and the living room.
If you ever feel you want to renovate your house, don’t. Sell and buy one that’s already finished. I’m kidding, kind of. The process is bit crazy at times, but if you have a good contractor, which we do, the process is more manageable.
We are at the point where the finish line is in view, but there are many decisions still to be made.